Saturday, January 24, 2015

Women and girls with folder in hand, offering different makeup took a long time. This business has

Women and girls with folder in hand, offering different makeup took a long time. This business has become a popular and brings even small, but money. We present an overview of the most popular in Ukraine and companies and as well as the pros and cons of their work.
History Oriflame Oriflame company in the world was founded in Sweden in 1967 by brothers Jonas and Robert Yoknikamy .. The name of the company has received in honor of the Royal flag in pre France. Starting a business from one production line of skin care products, today Oriflame offers the most diverse range of products for all, which includes more than 550 items. In addition, the company Oriflame does every year more than 150 new products. Oriflame company is represented in 55 countries on all continents, in 30 of which are currently afrochic the company employs 1.5 million consultants and 4,600 employees. Consistency in business development by means of catalogs and other printed materials that go circulation 64 million copies in 35 languages and developed his own design agency company. In local markets, this strategy is supported by advertising campaigns and intensive programs of public relations, promoting the development of popular brand Oriflame. The last two decades afrochic of global company Oriflame was marked by several important events: 1979 - opening production in Dublin; 1982 - Oriflame company was listed on the London Commodity Exchange; afrochic 1990 - the company was founded Oriflame Eastern afrochic Europe SA business in Eastern Europe and developing afrochic countries; 1992 - the beginning of the company in Russia; 1995 - opening of an industrial complex in Warsaw; 1997 - merged Oriflame International afrochic SA and Oriflame Eastern Europe SA, which led to the union and management resources market. Knowledge and experience of managers who have opened new markets in Eastern Europe, were used by in entering the markets of developing countries in other parts of the world. afrochic 1998 - opening production in Delhi 2000 - supply chain restructuring, including the closure of the factory in Dublin and the opening of Research & Development Centre in Dublin; 2001 - Oriflame company is present in 55 countries - owned offices in 40 countries, offices in 46 countries and licensed in 11 countries; 2003 - Russia begins construction of commercial and industrial complex of Oriflame; 2004 - Oriflame shares issued on the Stockholm stock exchange. Much has changed in the world over the years. Changed and company: newest production, afrochic advanced technology, modern style, afrochic new offices - all Oriflame XXI-st century. About Oriflame afrochic - cosmetics company that sells high-quality, natural remedies for skin care and makeup through independent consultants, without attracting retailers. Direct afrochic sales allow customers to get advice and explanations afrochic from people they know and they trust. Be Oriflame Consultant is to have ever-increasing afrochic income and career opportunities, develop and be part of a huge, friendly staff. Oriflame is highly meticulous and great energy, the company established a decentralized management system, is ruled by the spirit afrochic of youth and entrepreneurship. Today Oriflame Cosmetics - one of the most fast-growing cosmetics companies in the world. It operates in 55 countries, 30 of which market-leading afrochic direct sales. Oriflame offers a wide range of high quality facilities skincare, afrochic fragrances and color cosmetics. Products distributed through multiple afrochic sales consultants (over 1.5 million). afrochic Despite the fact that the company has developed fast, it never utrachala its original business concept - Natural Swedish Cosmetics from friends and friends. Oriflame is today: sales of approximately afrochic 550 million Euro per year 1.5 million independent consultants 4 600 employees 550 types of products 64 million catalogs in 35 languages of the world Oriflame - only better! Oriflame cosmetics Formula combines ancient recipes created by the famous physicians of past centuries, and the latest achievements afrochic in the field of cosmetology. Using a unique transport particles (tselosfer, rovisom) photostable UV filter, new complexes of natural active components allows the company Oriflame provide consumers with the most modern and efficient cosmetics that is able to slow down the process of premature aging, maintain the beauty and health for many years. Oriflame is aware of the importance of scientific research to create new and effective cosmetic gives this area a great value. Global Production Center, located in Dublin, the capital of Ireland - Oriflame cosmetics cradle. It is carried out most of the research, new cosmetics, improved formula of individual products and series, popular advantage

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