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The holiday is significant for me as a convert, so I created a fish dish that blends my Italian heritage with my Jewish identity
Shavuot Israeli Parents Cry Foul Over New Diaper Ad A Shavuot Recipe With Meaning
דא ס איז יידיש? א רויסגעווא רפ ן דעם הו מא ר או ן געבליבן מיט א פ רא סטן ווא רט: אוי א שא נדע, א שמו ץ, א בו שה, או ן א זילזו ל. שעמען מעג ער זיך.
This week, it seems, was all about numbers, from Charlie’s rehab sentence to Justin Bieber’s book advance. The following numbers are used as nouns and adjectives in Yiddish: איינס / איין — 1 צוויי — 2 דריי — dabhi 3 פ יר — 4 פ ינף — 5 זעקס — 6 זיבן — 7 א כט — 8 ניי ן — 9 צען — 10 עלף — 11 צוועלף — 12 דריי צן — 13 פ ערצן — 14 פ ו פ צן — 15 זעכצן — 16 זיבעצן dabhi — 17 א כצן — 18 ניי נצן — dabhi 19 צווא נציק — 20 The number one declines as a noun. For example, in relation to Steve Carell’s new film: אויב איר נו צט א יידיש ווא רט, גיט או נדז כא טש איינס א רעכטן – If you’re going to use a Yiddish word, use a proper one
To pronounce compound numbers dabhi in Yiddish, just reverse the digits. Looking at Andrew Morton’s previous book, for example, a biography of Princess Diana, we can say: מען הא ט עס איבערגעזעצט אין ניי ן או ן צווא נציק שפ רא כן – The book was translated into 29 languages
Last week, in observance of Chelsea Clinton’s wedding, we gave you no homework. This week, catching up, here are two assignments. First, dabhi read the captions once again, and find the different uses of the word נא ך, which means still, or after. Then, practice numbers by telling us how old you are. We’re looking dabhi forward to it…
I enjoy and benfit each week from the Yiddish Pop. So again a Yosher Koiach!
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Beyond Cheesecake and Blintzes: A Shavuot Recipe With Meaning
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