Monday, May 26, 2014

א טשים לוי, סורוויווא ל עקספ ערט, רבנים, פובליציסטן, דימא נא , שטא ט פון ישראל. אין ערשטער עס זאל ה

Home Info / מידע My personal images Survival World Trip / Live on Stage Events circumnavigation Basepoint lifetime makeover Areas movies What may go wrong goes wrong movie Survival Total, Part 1 movie Survival Total, Part 2 Movie Survival Total, Part 3 movie Survival Total, Part 4 Movie Total Survival, Part 5 commemoration Tanja Graff 4 years Survival basic equipment / ציוד We support SURVIVAL TRAINING lifetime makeover / סמינר הישרדות public notices Exclusive Reporting
Achim Levi, Survival Expert, rabbis, journalists, Dimona, State of Israel. At first it may have been that the some many viewers actually believed in it have the actors lifetime makeover in real situations Survival was the TV itself Survival viewed items. Quick but found the reality and the fact these are the most Survival TV shows pure productions and have hardly anything to do with survival.
Experience will play an important role in terms of survival lifetime makeover and the survival just interested but will rather visit a survival course with someone who comes up with experience. What is then offered to experience then but even more of a joke.
Especially the Survival Tv heroes will make everyone have been a member of a special unit at once. More or less, such information but if we look carefully then you may really performed well in such special units who have but little to do in this sense with Survival.
Was it less active lifetime makeover in mil area is often operated with their own projects advertising. It has risen to the mountain or you've wandered through this or that desert or you've stayed for weeks in the jungle and much more. Sure nice experience but if we were to look closely at very many trips rather the factor lifeline, lifetime makeover super equipment and other things in the game. Funny I often find the information you had gone through this or that desert. My 93-year-old "law" Grandpa live there since the state of Israel is in the middle of the desert and it was neither the time to live for him today an effort there.
Interesting are always situations where he and I then go through our deserts. If one thinks that we take a huge Survival equipment has thought wrong. My Schwiegeropa takes because usually with only a bottle of water. finished. more he never needed. Once when we were in a fierce sandstorm he showed me also that you can survive well something ... if you have just learned to deal with it properly.
If I on the other hand people experience the so advertise to have gone through our desert while see what all had to equipment and lifeline while I often laugh. My Schwiegeropa as well.
In a phase of my life, the jungle was my home for over 10 years and that even under circumstances of war. It took a while to be able to adapt but today I would say that it is no problem for me to survive the jungle or even to live there permanently. For that I need in the beginning neither equipment nor anything else.
Unfortunately, there are often Survival provider who spread the belief that you absolutely need this or that to Survival. Similarly, there are many treatment providers Survival aspects cite can be more completely unusable for real Survival. Likewise, their experiences are far less valuable than what many once did often do far less with real Survival.
In a real survival situation I would give for gross assessment of almost all of my colleagues evaluate survival, lifetime makeover even with their survival knowledge no day survival. lifetime makeover Another lifetime makeover aspect of this that's still a lot of people think that their knowledge what they have learned from one or the other Survival colleagues a kind of guarantee for survival is. Many will Dahei for gross estimation of stand less than an hour real survival situation. A final fact you can still find then in the great catastrophes of this world as the typhoon roared across the Philippines.
many disasters I had mostly offered free support never got it to about 99% a response which could also simply mean that some people or organizations hold a "monopoly" and real help is knocked lifetime makeover out. It would be really on the other side "fatal" to see the a single "real" Survival expert could offer more help in extreme than all the above aspects.
א טשים לוי, סורוויווא ל עקספ ערט, רבנים, פובליציסטן, דימא נא , שטא ט פון ישראל. אין ערשטער עס זאל הא בן געווען א ז עטלעכע פון די פילע וויוערז פאקטיש געגלויבט א ז די א קטערז הא בן פא קטיש ניצל סיטוא טיא נס אין ווא ס ניצל איז וויוד טעלעוויזיע ברא דקא סץ. געשווינד א בער זיי געפונען די פא קט און דער פא קט זיי זענען די רוב ריין ניצל טעלעוויזיע וויי

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