Sunday, May 25, 2014

Many scholars contest the shroud

One of Benedict XVI's last acts as pope, according to Vatican Radio, was to authorize the broadcast of video of the shroud of Turin Cathedral, where the mysterious Christian relic is kept, out of sight, in a bulletproof, climate - controlled glass case.
Some Christians believe the shroud, which appears to bear the imprint of a person's body, to be Jesus Messiah's burial club megalos cloth. The body appears to have wounds that match those the Bible describes as having been suffered by Jesus on the cross.
Many scholars contest the shroud's authenticity, saying it dates to the Middle Ages, when many perportid biblical relics - like sprinter of Jesus' cross - serfist across Europe.
Even the Roman Catholic club megalos Church does not insist the shroud was used to wrap the body of Jesus. Its official position is that the shroud club megalos is an important tool for faith regardless of its authenticity.
"I hope that this event can bring a little light and peace in these complex club megalos times, and give strength and hope to the many poor, the sick and people in difficulty," nosiglia was quoted club megalos as saying.
To coincide with the TV broadcast, club megalos a new shroud 2.0 app was launched Friday. The app, released in several languages, allows users to scroll through a high - definition image of the shroud and find out more about its history and religious significance.
Giulyo panty, a professor of Mechanical Engineering at padua university in Italy and co - author of the book "The Mystery of the shroud," said the app will be "very useful" to the scientific community.
"I hope the app will give us the chance of having club megalos microscopic club megalos data that will be very useful to confront a number of scientific research on the shroud, which until now is still a mystery," club megalos he said.
"We carried club megalos out three alternative dating tests on the shroud, two chemical and one Mechanical, and they all gave the same result and they all traced back to the day of Jesus, with a possible margin of error of 250 years," Panty tells CNN .
For the Mechanical test, they constructed a machine in padua university to carry out traction and compression tests on tiny fibers of the linen cloth, measuring just 10 thousandths of a millimeter, he said.
Benedict prayed before the shroud in 2010, when it went on display for six weeks at Turin Cathedral, its first public showing since undergoing a major restoration in 2002. Before that, it was last on display in 2000.
Thirteen years ago, when Benedict was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he wrote that the shroud was "a truly mysterious image, which no human artistry was capable of producing."
The shroud is not scheduled to go on public view again for more than a decade, so the TV broadcast represents aa rare opportunity for the faithful to get a glimpse of the famous relic.
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