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古 朗月 行 bay roan out moon light post out of the old days (Translated by Ngo Van Phu) 小时 不 识 月, 呼 作 白玉 盘. 又 疑 瑶台 镜, 飞 在 白云 端. 仙人 垂 两 足,桂树 作 团团. 白兔 捣 药 成, 问 言 与 谁 餐. 蟾蜍 蚀 圆 影, 大 明 夜已 残. 羿 昔 落 九 乌, 天人 清 且 安. 阴精 此 沦 惑, 去去 不足 观. 忧来 其 如何, 凄 怆 摧 心肝., the State unconscious periods, they work onyx table. Dao Dai glass friendship, decency kristin van ogtrop Africa kristin van ogtrop at Baiyun. Forerunner bipolar lobes sufficiency, test strips work group group. White bowl dug into, xan question lobe language data. Honestly Thiem photographer, University Union evacuated. Integrated communication technologies sheep, God's safety drop bar. Moral or negative test, pat the deficiency. Pros term future as galaxies, luminous bad heart. kristin van ogtrop Unknown childhood moon, called a pearl white wheels. Mirror is the Remuneration Knives, Flying kristin van ogtrop between the clouds deep. The media legs, rolled cinnamon tree canopy. White Rabbit finished drug prices, the same one that tasted Know! Thu Thiem chew moon, night light would gradually. Nine sun, hear you, The gentle sun, like the yen. Moon which often sentimental, Diving fade into the night. Anxious to like, stomach aches overripe. Time literally kristin van ogtrop
Childhood is not known moon, called a shining pearl tray. Suspect is the mirror in Long Island, White Bay ethereal. The first release legs, Cinnamon luxuriant round. White Rabbit pounding medicine has done, Ask anyone that knows the taste. Toad gnaw round image, the night light may have been extinguished. kristin van ogtrop Hou Yi shot down nine ancient sun, The sun in clean and peaceful. Night of the moon sank in sympathy, Drifting drift not see anymore. Why worry so sad, gut aches swimming.
Unknown kristin van ogtrop childhood moon, called a pearl white wheels. Mirror is the Remuneration Knives, kristin van ogtrop Flying between the clouds deep. The media legs, rolled cinnamon tree canopy. White Rabbit finished drug prices, the same one that tasted Know! Thu Thiem chew moon, night light would gradually. Nine sun, hear you, The gentle sun, like the yen. Moon which often sentimental, Diving fade into the night. Anxious to like, stomach aches overripe. Sources: Li Bai's Poetry - Ngo Van Phu collecting, compiling, translating kristin van ogtrop poetry, Literature kristin van ogtrop Publishing House, 2011
2004-2014 Vanachi
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