Monday, June 23, 2014

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Buddha 佛 心 歌 song lyrics center of Buddhism and the mind (Translated by Hui Chi) 佛佛 佛 不 可见, 心心 心 不可 说. 若 心 生 时 是 佛 生, 若 佛 灭 时 是 心 灭. 灭 心存 佛是 处 无, 灭佛 存心 何时 歇. 欲知 佛 心 生灭 心, 直 待 当 来 弥勒 决. 昔 无心, 今 无 佛, 凡 圣人 天 如 电 拂. 心 体 无 是 亦 无非, 佛性 非 虚 又 非实. 忽 时 起, 忽 时 止, 往 古来 今 徒 拟 拟. 岂惟 埋没 祖宗 乘, 更 起 妖魔 自家 祟. 欲求 心, 休 外 觅, 本体 如 如 似 空寂. 涅� 生子 曼罗 笼, 烦恼 菩提闲 对敌. 心 即佛, 佛即 心, 妙旨 明明达 古今. 春 来自 是 春花 笑, 秋 到 无非 秋水 深. 舍 妄心, 守 真性, 似 人 寻 影 而忘 镜. 岂知 影 现 镜中 来, 不觉 妄 从 真 里 蹦. 妄 来 非 实 亦非 虚, 镜 受 无邪 亦无 正. 也 无罪, 也 无 福, 错 比摩尼 兼 白玉. 玉 有 瑕 兮 珠 有 �, 性 底无 红 也 无 绿. 亦无 得, 亦无 失, 四 十九 来 是 七七. 六度 万 行 海上 波, 三 毒 九 情 空 里 日. 默默默, 沉沉 沉, 万 法 之 心 即佛 心. 佛 心 却 与 我 心 合, 法 尔 如 然 亘古 今. 行 亦 禅, 坐 亦 禅, 一朵 红 炉火 里 莲. 没 意气 时 添 意气, 得安 便 处 且 安 便. 咦咦 咦,咄咄 咄, 大海 中 沤 闲 出没. 诸 行 无常 一切 空, 何处 先 师 觅 灵 骨. 醒醒 着, 着 醒醒, 四棱 踏 地 勿 欹 倾. 阿 谁 于此 信 得 及, 高 步 毗卢顶上 行. 喝! Buddha Buddha Buddha invisible, woman s day date impossible theory bath center. Weak market arising Mind is born, the downside woman s day date is Buddha's mind away. Kill the Buddha Mind Made very existence, Kill the Buddha exists Sanhe up. Buddha Mind indulgence, born Removal Centre, Direct ocean Maitreya future decisions. The inner mind, no Buddha Kim, In every heavenly saints as electroluminescence. Mind disables the myriad woman s day date non-herons, Buddha nature, non-fiction non-Huu really (really). Contain the monkey (start), Contain only, gold metal hybrid maps think think. Starting tomorrow only a fathers legacy, leaving home drug demons themselves. Centre for Education, Retirement Foreign silence, The President can not order as such. Nirvana woman s day date is samsara chronic lung, Bodhi Negativity idle rival. Mind is Buddha, Buddha is Mind, Yew Ming Ming earth topped only (metal). Spring flowers spring back from the goofy, non-revenue water Karate intensive wealth. Discharge of eight, prime-nature, private pediatric outreach within the glass. Starting middle glass hybrid tri current image, converts prospects Suddenly authority of truth. Unrealistic expectations hybrid non-fiction herons, egrets Sincerely my wife very own. Wild innocent, being broken, Waterfall billion for Romania onyx. Jade Organic gloating, European woman s day date Organic errors, fragile pink broken record. Myriad prime Heron, Heron is fantastic, from the tower of the future permanent ventricular failure. Which still operates two upper three, woman s day date not poisoned woman s day date savior of date. Even wearing worn, deep bass, Universal Mind is the Buddha mind spending measures. Buddha rejected data center down the center, France atrial muscle tension dumb as fuel (metal). Hanh Zen herons, egrets meditation Coordinates, Especially vase of roses venture. A Thiem the gas is the gas, security privilege to drop the first coins. Di di di, burn burn burn, Central European University idle a Marine. Chu practice not necessarily impermanent, Professor Ha penny silence remains flexible. Chimpanzees ago, before chimpanzees, geophysics from the village bicycle when inclined. A chartered credit lobe U test, high-pressure burners attached upstream of action. Sing! Buddha! Buddha! Buddha! No shadow, Tam! Mind! Mind! outside discourse. If the student's mind arises, kill the Buddha's mind By killing. Kill the Buddha mind is still, it does not, Kill Buddha Mind, how childhood all. For Buddhist center, killing Birth Center, Wait later, Maitreya decision. First do not mind, not Buddha, sacrilegious as flashes of lightning from the sky. Mind can not market nor fee, and no damage was not true Buddha. Suddenly woman s day date jumped up, suddenly stopping fast, now again, around the ancient past populations. Where only concrete structure buried folds, also called demons of abuses. To find the center, Also do not ask, Can not counted silently, no change. Nirvana, mere mortal pitch, defilement, lying opposite Bodhi. The heart is the Buddha, the Buddha's heart, it is only spiritual light, metal stock information. When spring comes, natural spring flowers bloom, Thu to, where such collection in the country. Skip expectations woman s day date Center, Cam-nature, what search Other mirror ball left. Other mirror ball cage knowing it, do not expect money from the foot or birth. Not really hope it is not damaged, the mirror There's nothing wrong in shape. Also no sin, Nor wardrobe, pearls woman s day date and onyx for. Jade is flawless, oyster company, the capital woman s day date is not pink nor continent. It is not! Also not lost! Seven of seven, four of nine uniform. Neighborhood then the ocean waves, woman s day date the situation is ripe toxic Three yellow. Listen! Listen! Listen! Depression! Depression! Depression! Species of Mind is Buddha mind. Buddha Mind in agreement with our minds, remain the original French woman s day date endless time. Go and meditate! Sitting meditation also! In a furnace red lotus. Italy loses more gas the gas, let alone buried in peace. Wow! Wow! Wow! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Foam floating in seas that sank. Impermanence of all phenomena not all, Linh said first master key question. Province! Province! Food! Food! Province! Province! Do not step foot unsteady ground. People who believe in this place, woman s day date the first step on the Buddha woman s day date climbed on top. Scream! Time literally
Buddha, woman s day date Buddha, Buddha can not be seen, mind, mind, mind can not tell. When born, the mind arises, kill the Buddha Mind When killing. Nowhere mind but also kill the Buddha, woman s day date Kill the Buddha but never mind for all. For birth and death Buddha mind and heart, the latter must wait Maitreya new answers are. Old no mind, no Buddha Nay, food, holy, people, sky lightning shock. Mind can not also not left unspoilt Buddha nature is not real. Suddenly emerged, suddenly stopped, Then through this again mimicking the same bed. Not only buried the teachings of the fathers lost, but also makes the demon uprising, both himself back to haunt her. To find the center, do not look outside, its essence and not citizenship so on. Nirvana

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