Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The West Lake area domain, ie worship mine. According to feng shui theory, the West Lake is the soi

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De West Lake (Tong Phan Vu) War "Tay Ho Tung rich" (Pham Thai) government fashion magazine 2011 Afternoon Tay Ho (Thai Thang Long) Boating Lake West (Nguyen Extension) Du Tay Ho (Nguyen Van Sieu) West Lake Du great bowl period 2 great bowl periodically Du Tay Ho Tay Ho bowl great 4 Travel period is 5 hours gave momentum spike structure (the North) (Anonymous, Vietnam) Hanoi - Streets (Phan Vu) Phoenix Chinese regime "Plum Flower" (Human Body Central) West Lake Landscape (Nguyen fashion magazine 2011 Huy Luong) Waves West Lake (Dinh Hung) West Lake (Tran Anh Thai) West Lake company interchange (Doan Nguyen Tuan) West Lake immediate scene (Trinh Sam) West Lake wreath (Tan Da) Phu Tay Ho Tung (Nguyen Huy Luong) Lake nostalgic friendship bracelets (Ho Xuan Huong) Westlake mallards (Che Lan Vien)
West Lake Du great bowl of period 4
游 仙侣 洞 闻人 谈 太原 山水 之 胜 醉后 成 吟 Du Tien Lu writers talk the paint hydro costs Taiyuan win, a drug post the Tien Lu Play soaked heard of Taiyuan water garden scene, made drunk (The Translation: By States) 天公 亦 何事? 位置 太原 山. 只 此 一拳 小, 神 凿 鬼 复 �. 合 咸 合 牙 见 古 峒, 诘 曲 藏 峰峦. 孤 经 入 危 磴, 路 若通 天坛. 寿 藤 与 怪石, 傲 兀 势 绝 攀. 惟有 众 猿 鸟, 啸 呼 相 往还. 不知 古 何 人, 兹 焉 辟 禅 关. 至今 岩 谷中, 金碧 一 改观. 此 邦 积 瘴 疫,况 乃 风雨 悭. 名山 难 遍游, 举 酒意 已 阑. 霍山 三 海云 漫漫, 我 欲 从 之 行路难. 谁能 为 我 抽 此 一 � 洞, 措 之 西湖 之上, 珠 龙凤 嘴 之间? Heaven Galaxy of the heron? Location Taiyuan san. Just try the most elementary rights, Spirit carved demons for good. Fan out basement, museum style cut loan. Business entry unto her risk, Lo disadvantages through heaven. Life behind monster fossil data, clam sudden snow part. Only our own Institute, current lodge mutual completion. fashion magazine 2011 Real galaxy's Forum, President meditation yen Wednesday. Chi needle coke lava medium, Kim mural treasures most. Try to block state service area, dance room khan Case detouring. List of paint nan's turn, the Bachelor Zealand wine. Or paint, Tam Hai Van Man Man, archbishop Falls Highway nan operating expenses. Hydropower least try the condensation falls abstract, rough upper Tay Ho chi, Zhou Long, Phuong Chuy spend time? He cleverly painted green star Taiyuan play Vulture presents do? By holding the other hand ax mountain gods, demons hammer thrilling improve broaching open cave stalactites thousands gather colorful zigzag Smoking strange pig ghats on the steep path to the sky as the entrance stone processing machines play hell with wood haughtily rough, you would not dare climb Only gibbons singing cheep ax man ran away in floods of God called together the horns Yet there anyone here from step Bodhi Development Center? fashion magazine 2011 But now in the penetration Gold set u, good looking specifically fashion magazine 2011 assigned holster ten miasma This much more reassuring Come rain jealous hate rude List Plaques paint wise play throughout the filled cup of wine drunk or paint, translucent clouds Ba want to go, it's hard to go that route I wish the results to the other pond Does anyone conceited fashion magazine 2011 hard for me to fly back across the seat Westlake, Chuy Phuong Chau Long Tien Lu is the same as in the mountains in the province of Thai Nguyen. Book "Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi" written in Hoa Trung, Dong Hy District, Thai Nguyen Province, has a column in stone, after the front doors are the same, the two sides have a hang up at the sky, a hang to the ground, in the temples to worship Buddha, fashion magazine 2011 is this.
The West Lake area domain, ie worship mine. According to feng shui theory, the West Lake is the soil type "phoenix drinks" should also land mine called phoenix style. Source: Cao Ba Quat whole episode - Episode 1, National Research Center fashion magazine 2011 study, Literature Publishing House, 2004
He cleverly painted green star Taiyuan play Vulture presents do? By holding the other hand ax mountain gods, demons hammer thrilling improve broaching open cave stalactites thousands gather colorful zigzag Smoking strange pig ghats on the steep path to the sky as the entrance stone processing machines play hell with wood haughtily rough, you would not dare climb Only gibbons singing cheep ax man ran away in floods of God called together the horns Yet there anyone here from step Bodhi Development Center? But now in the penetration Gold set u, good looking specifically assigned holster ten miasma fashion magazine 2011 This much more reassuring Come rain jealous hate rude List Plaques paint wise play throughout the filled cup of wine drunk or paint, fashion magazine 2011 translucent clouds Ba want to go, it's hard to go that route I wish the results to the other pond Does anyone conceited fashion magazine 2011 hard for me to fly back across the seat Westlake, Phuong Chau Long panicles with
2004-2014 Vanachi

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