Saturday, October 4, 2014

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Valentine s Day is Friday so yoga lovers get ready for articles, blogs, and fabulous pictures of couples harper s bazaar uk practicing beautifully choreographed yoga together, in perfect sync to the perfect love song (if on video, if not on video you ll be humming the perfect love song as you read). Sigh. Yoga love is so incredible, isn t it?
I have fantasies of Bruce and me balancing in Navasana (boat pose), feet to feet, dual Vrksasanas (tree poses) and finally coming harper s bazaar uk to rest in Savasana (corpse pose), side by side, holding hands (Two of my students actually do this in every class – – lovely.), all set to a dreamy playlist, harper s bazaar uk of course. Sigh. Not! He s not interested (So the fantastic beach trees poses are of two of our stunning friends in Costa Rica). It s not his thing and, most of the time, I m good with that. Our practice is a showing up each and everyday, harper s bazaar uk good or bad, for each other and I love it just the way it no thanks on the couples yoga is (Although, I d take one full wheel back bend, forming a perfect heart while kissing. Now that would be awesome!).
But, it is Valentine s Day, and for those of you who are excited to roll out your mats together (in sync of course), here are few asanas or poses to share. Of course, the practice is yours to play. Remember always that yoga is unity. harper s bazaar uk It is a giving and a sharing. So, who cares what the pose looks like in the end. It should, harper s bazaar uk simply, feel good! So, be safe, smile, laugh, breathe and love. Happy Valentine s Day!
Tree Pose Each person stands harper s bazaar uk tall, feet together, side by side at arms length. Breathe. Find a point slightly above your gaze for focus. Standing firm on the inner leg, place the outer foot to the inside of the inner ankle or leg. Hold inside hands and raise outer arm into the sky.
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