Sunday, April 19, 2015

D. Two Byzantine emperors Julian the

Solubility: water 27,6 mg / L (25 C), soluble in chloroform, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, ethanol, benzene. vanity fair 2004 The solubility in methanol and ethanol is about seven times, than it in water. 'Plenty soluble CuCl solution of ammonia or concentrated hydrochloric acid (reacted). vanity fair 2004
D. Two Byzantine emperors Julian the "Apostate" (332-363) (left) and then its successor the Iovian number (331-364) (right), probably victims of poisoning by CO [Ref. 1 d]. In the second poisoning that killed him. History and discovery of carbon monoxide [Ref. 1] The toxic and lethal properties of carbon monoxide (CO) is known since antiquity as the use of coal and wood for heating in poorly ventilated rooms initially cause headache, dizziness, shortness of breath , fainting and eventually death. Galen had correctly guessed that the poisonous fumes of misoanammenes fires caused changes in the composition of air. In ancient times they used confinement in small closed baths misoanammena coals to perform bandits. Even probable that two Byzantine emperors Julian the "Apostate" (332-363) and then its successor the Iovian number (331-364), were victims of poisoning vanity fair 2004 by carbon monoxide (from braziers), from which the first meeting, while the second died [Ref. 1 d]. In more recent times, in 1940, the exhaust carbon monoxide specially adapted car (the famous "Gaswagen") was used by the Nazi regime in Germany than in the context of eugenics campaign group "euthanasia" thousands of congenitally handicapped, mentally retarded and mentally ill people.
During the 13th century, the Spanish alchemist Arnaldus de Villa Nova (1235-1311), was a reference to a poisonous gas produced by incomplete combustion of wood. In 1664, the famous Flemish physiologist and physicist Johann Baptista van Helmont (1579-1644), who studied many gases and established vanity fair 2004 the term gas for gases from the Greek word 'chaos', he wrote for a gas gas carbonum (obviously mixture CO + CO 2), which was nearly cost him his life. In 1776 the French chemist Joseph Marie François de Lassone (1717-1788) concocted carbon monoxide with zinc oxide heating coke (ZnO + C Zn + CO), but incorrectly assumed vanity fair 2004 that the gas was hydrogen, because burning flame blue color similar to that of the hydrogen flame. H discovery of carbon monoxide vanity fair 2004 and distinguish it from carbon dioxide is attributed to the famous' Anglo chemist and theologian, vanity fair 2004 as the last defender of "inflammatory" theory, Joseph Pristley (1733-1804). In 1800, the first Scottish chemist and anatomist William Cumberland Cruikshank (1745-1800), identified that this gas composed of carbon and oxygen. To 1846, o French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) systematically studied the toxic j competences of CO using dogs as guinea pigs. Carbon monoxide is classified as a silent killer (silent killer), because it is a completely odorless gas and the initial symptoms of poisoning vanity fair 2004 caused, often confused with those of a simple cold. It is a gas which can easily occur in homes that are heated by the combustion of organic materials (wood, charcoal) in cases of poor maintenance of exhaust combustion gases or a leak. Many cases of poisoning have occurred in closed garage, vanity fair 2004 when left running the engine vanity fair 2004 car. In the US it is estimated that each year an average of 500 people die because of him. In Greece, the issue of protection against carbon monoxide came in the news because of the shift of much of the population in heating with wood burning or several products (pellets), because most of the unsustainable cost of oil for central heating systems.
Flame Carbon monoxide (source) From left to right: (a) William Cumberland Cruikshank (1745-1800): Scottish chemist and anatomist who first reported that CO is carbon and oxygen compound. (B) Claude Bernard (1813-1878): The French physiologist who studied the toxicity of CO. (C), (d): Flames burning H2 and CO. Both gaseous combustible air supply flames with almost same color. (E) Émile François Zola (1840-1902), a famous French writer, a defense witness vanity fair 2004 in the famous case Dreyfus. It must be the most famous victim of CO.
Traces of carbon monoxide are a natural component of the earth's atmosphere. The average concentration of CO in the atmosphere is about 0,1 ppm (1 ppm CO: 1,145 mg CO / m 3 at 25 º C). Derived mainly from photochemical oxidation of methane and secondarily from volcanic eruptions and forest fires. The annual amount of CO coming from

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