Monday, April 20, 2015

Initially cew awards diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, the ... 2000, followed

If you have a loved one with multiple sclerosis [1], (as I do), you'll love this post. It features the inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls [2], which reversed multiple sclerosis after seven years of deterioration simply by changing her diet. This made within eight months and then went on a tour of 18 miles by bike,. No drugs are never able to claim the same results. Coming in history, at the end of last year was the best Christmas present I ever got. Dr. Wahls is Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa, where he teaches, cew awards and specializes in clinical traumatology brain damage. cew awards This conventional doctor had the courage to do step outside the medical establishment.
Initially cew awards diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, the ... 2000, followed by the conventional route and taking chemotherapy drugs and other immune suppressants, in an attempt to slow the disease. By 2003, Dr. Wahls had gone to the "secondary progressive multiple sclerosis" cew awards (the most advanced form), and had to start using a wheelchair due to the weakness in the back muscles. In MS, the immune system is sensitized and attack the proteins in the myelin sheath that protects the axons of the central nervous system [3]. As anyone with a degenerative disease, wanted to prevent further deterioration as much as possible. Because of medical education, Dr. Wahls knew that research in animal models of the disease is usually 20 or 30 years ahead of his clinical practice. He stayed up late every night to look for and evaluate research and analyze the latest articles on multiple cew awards sclerosis. cew awards He knew that most of the studies of drug testing, it will take years for FDA approval, so he turned to research on vitamins and supplements that are important to the health of mitochondria and brain. He continued cew awards his research late at night, found studies showing cew awards that with the passage of time, the brains of people with multiple sclerosis tended to shrink. This raised the curiosity and led me to investigate and the other diseases that have similar shrinkage of the brain, ie diseases of Huntington, cew awards Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. One thing common to all these degenerative cew awards diseases is the poor functioning of mitochondria. Mitochondria are like the "batteries" of cells that manage to provide energy to the cell. If you forget to feed them, your cells wither and die. The shrinking muscles, the brain volume shrinks and the other cells in your body are also at risk. Better, but not enough The investigation made by Dr Wahls, discovered that particular three nutrients were essential for proper mitochondrial function: 1) Omega-3 fatty acids - that is, of fish or krill oil 2) creatine (a compound involved in energy production in the body) and 3) Coenzyme Q10 - preferably in "anagomeni 'version is better absorbed, known as Ubiquinol having 3 fold higher antioxidant capacity than the standard Co-Q10. After taking these supplements, the deterioration has slowed somewhat, but still remained weak. The big change - Taking the nutrients from the food In the autumn of 2007, Wahls had a major epiphany moment. He wondered what would happen if you changed her diet to take these important nutrients for the brain rather than supplements, but the food he ate. To thrive mitochondria for their maximum efficiency needed B vitamins, antioxidants and sulfur. Dr. Wahls also wanted to put in her diet all foods that help in the formation of myelin - especially B1 (thiamin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (Cobalamin), fish oil and iodine. To achieve all this, adjusted the diet to a diet with a model of the hunter-gatherer, cew awards (basically eat what he ate the caveman) including roots, seeds, nuts, fatty fish, meat from herbivores, organs of animals, and natural iodine from sea plants. Also ate nine cups of non-starchy vegetables and berries every day. (To make it easy to remember. It is 3 cups greens, 3 cups of vegetables containing sulfur, and 3 cups of colorful vegetables and berries). The Sulphides vegetables are kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, onions, cew awards chives, leeks, mushrooms, asparagus, etc. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes or cereals as rice not

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