Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Waking Greeks and see ... (e-mail: magazine mastheads 1/1/2011 ----- D

Waking Greeks and see ... (e-mail: magazine mastheads 1/1/2011 ----- Dear friends hello. We begin an effort to help and we all Greek citizens to see through and from our own Blog with other eye (and not through the eyes of submissive media) all that is happening in our Greece and projects the inside and outside our country's enemies ... This Blog is not Nationalist. It's just Greek and wants to show the wrongs and effort to become the extermination of our country ... We have nothing to do with nationalist organizations, NGOs and other relevant information. We here are a team who are simply magazine mastheads Greek and Orthodox Christians and we want the best for our country and its citizens. From what you see along the way you will understand a lot and I think just what and who are they who ruled us and govern us for years, what their role is and what we do ... We hope to honor all of us Greeks to their readings and comments. You will beg end to spread this site to as many Greeks as possible to join together magazine mastheads and confront our enemies ... View full profile
We already gave everything we have designed the Zionist criminals ... Washington and Tel Aviv, before which, as we have already pointed out the traitors Samaras - Venizelos and follow others ... kowtow incredibly submissive! Slaves!
"I can already announce you that we are near the end. With a little more road cycle of Symbolic Snake (who represents our nation) will be closed. And when the cycle is closed, all the states of Europe will suffocate ..
The people are prisoners of the heavy work longer than their bound captivity and slavery. Could be released from captivity and slavery in one way or another. One could adapt to, but may be released from his wretchedness. The laws, which we have recorded in the laws are virtual, for the masses, not really. All these supposed "rights magazine mastheads of people" not in spite of the imagination. It is never feasible. What it means for the poor worker, bent by the painstaking work, the crushing out of luck, the right attributed to the gazetteer to write any kind of nonsense while things seriously, because the poor do not get any benefit from the legislation despite their miserable crumbs to them pour from our table in return for a favorable vote on our order, our institutions, our agents:
Democratic magazine mastheads rights for these beggarly bitter irony: the need almost daily work does not allow them to t 'enjoy. On the contrary, in fact, destroy their guarantee stable and secure profit, forcing them to depend on strikes by patrons or their partners ..
Will appear as liberators magazine mastheads of the worker from this yoke, when will recommend to enter the ranks of socialists, communists, anarchists, which always support under the guise of solidarity among the members of our social masonismou ..
Remember the French Revolution, which they called "Great". Secrets of our preparation is well known, kitten this revolution was the work of our own. Since then deceive the people to renounce even us, for the benefit of the King-Despot of Zion, which are preparing for the world. "
8.The Universal Pictures, controlled by Edgar Bronfman who is Jewish and proe dros global Jewish Congress.
These companies produce films that global cut about 90% of eisiti rion. Spend say whatever message they want to "customers" magazine mastheads of the movie. Spend thinking, way of clothing, how to respond to specific stimuli, way of eating, etc.
ACTORS, ARTISTS magazine mastheads AND PRODUCERS OTHER PROTAGONISTS Hollywood WHO ARE JEWS: Allen, Woody - Comedian - Actor (Real name: Allan Konigsberg) Avttal, Mili Actor Beck - Music Berlin, magazine mastheads Irving - Composer Biafra, Jello - Singer Bialik, Mayim Actor Borgnine, Ernst - Actor Brooks, Albert - Actor - Composer magazine mastheads (Real name: Albert Einstein) magazine mastheads Brooks, Mel - Actor - Composer - Author Bullock, Sandra - Actor Cantor, Eddie - Singer -Choreftis Cass, "Mama" (Uz Cohen) - Actress Cherry, Ruben - Managers of Elvis Chessler, Deborah - Actor Chomsky, Noam - Philosopher Cohen, Leonard - Writer songs Crystal, Billy - Actor - Comedian Davis, Jr., Sammy - Black tragoudistis- Actor DeCarlo, Joe - Comedian DeNero, Robert - Actor Deutscher, Isaac - Author - Biographer Stalin Dreyfuss, Richard - Ithop

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