Saturday, November 15, 2014

Feminism is needed, feminism sofia sanchez is fun and feminism is alive and kicking. This should be

Feminist voices go unnoticed in the media, sofia sanchez at school we do not learn about the history and philosophy of feminism sofia sanchez and spasmodic attempts are made to marginalize feminist movement (and other radical social movements). The backlash against feminism, as described in Susan Faludi's book Backlash, expresses a certain patriarchal conservative agenda that harms the interests sofia sanchez of women. Anti Feminist books are put in the spotlight, a critical eye is ignored, the importance of feminism is systematically underestimated and the problems that women struggle to be either concealed or incorrectly assigned to feminist achievements. There is in other words, too little sofia sanchez attention to feminism and little knowledge sofia sanchez about feminism. We need to make feminism back visible.
Feminism is needed, feminism sofia sanchez is fun and feminism is alive and kicking. This should be only a little more put in the spotlight. Even though many are behind feminist views, yet little is known about feminism and misunderstandings and inaccuracies scattered. See the book Reclaiming the F-Word by Catherine Redfern and Kristin Aune. Feminism (our demands, our achievements, our theories, our history ...) is made invisible in our society, sofia sanchez concealed and distorted. Waiting change to the media, wait until the schools are progressive, wait until the world is evolving positively, which can take a long time if we do nothing themselves. Feminism has always been a struggle because it was necessary. Obedient and wait patiently leads to nothing. Raising awareness and action is important, if we want something is done with our requirements, ideas and theories. The voice of feminism may sound loud, when we convene.
How can we make feminism visible again and make sure it has an effect on public debate and our daily lives? And how can we teach each other to a gender glasses and critical feminist gaze to look at the reality and the dominant ideology?
Must first be shown that feminists are present, sofia sanchez we are having a lot. But how do you recognize a feminist? Not her looks, even though it is so often claimed. Or is it? Of course you can wear clothing with all feminist quotes, slogans, cartoons or logos. For example, buttons / badges, T-shirts or patches on your backpack or jacket covered well. But you can also make clear that there is a big feminist presence using street art is: feminist posters to hang your window, paste posters sofia sanchez on poles or feminist templates as decoration. Folders stabbing in women's magazines, flyers or bookmarks in feminist (feminist) library books explain, sofia sanchez can also advertise the feminist movement and its ideas. And of course, the phrase "I'm not a feminist but ..." avoid conversations. Sure we are feminists!
Our ideas to be Second distributed. You can with homemade media: for example, making movies and putting on youtube, himself a zine writing, books and brochures published, pirate radio stations stomping out of the ground, podcasts recording, writing songs and playing with a feminist band, making feminist films, massive readers' letters and send opinion pieces, stickers paste, write blogs and build websites, e-zines or newsletters release, etc. Also consciousness-raising groups and reading groups, film screenings, debates, lectures, workshops and other activities or just calls can play an important role together just as street protests and street contribute to public awareness.
See also: Some Things we need a revolution have - Strategy Part 1 If mushrooming: Finding your way in anywhere feminism feminism - street map Brussels Reclaim the Media Part 1: feminist media criticism Reclaim the Media Part 2: Who speaks? Reclaim the Media Part 3: media activism and feminism Zines DIY: How to make a feminist zine? Making DIY templates The Feminist Poster Project - call Feminist symbols Sexism spotting Book Review: Reclaiming the F-word by Catherine Redfern and Kristin Aune The Feminist Cookbook For Small Actions Feminist Starter
This entry was posted in Action, DIY, emancipation, Feminism, Gender, Media, Practice, women and tagged activism, backlash, imaging, f-word, clothing, advertising, street art, strategy, we're here we're queer we 're feminists! , Yes i'm a feminist! , Visibility. Make this a favorite permalink.
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