I just finished reading the new economy, from A to Z. Gas by the table for the Italian Network lifetime tv of Social lifetime tv Economy. It 'a photograph, updated today, autumn, 2013, the state Solidarity Economy. It 'an important reading I urge everyone to buy one copy and read it carefully. In my small way I will try to stimulate your interest lifetime tv by offering some of the themes that are discussed in the text and we are particularly close to my heart.
As I hope you understand now, our project Ciboprossimo search, using new technologies to provide the tools whose use will lead people to understand the reasons for the need for a paradigm shift in our lifestyles and the other that this is not remains only theoretical, but through these practices really do take steps in the direction of the proposal. If this is the premise comes naturally to me offer those pages in the book where it is analyzed that the National Research 'CORES Observatory lifetime tv of the University of Bergamo has done in collaboration with David and Joseph Biolghini Vergani Table of Res-Gas Lombardy . Right in the first chapter, after having dealt with an enviable methodological detail so many aspects of life in a gas is referred to as the 'entry of a person into a group of fair trade cause changes in his lifestyle. Here are pictures and text of Page 42, 43,44.
As indicated by the data collected lifetime tv within the GAS, the collective spending plays an important role in self-educating, encouraging the awareness that choosing to consume a certain way means taking into account the methods of land management, landscape conservation , support to small producers, and overall attention to the production process not only from the technical point of view, but also for those who work there. They are in fact significant changes in the style of consumption, lifestyle and also participatory in that the comparison of gas produces about individual lifetime tv gasisti. While the data show, as between the participants increases, for example, the consumption of organic food (79.4%), seasonal (68.1%) and local (80.6%), while decreases lifetime tv the consumption of meat (42.5%), participation in these groups also facilitates the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles (also spreads towards a greater focus on the practices of recycling (32.5%), to behaviors that reduce electricity consumption (29.3%) and water (28.6%) and encourages the spread of more collaborative lifetime tv attitudes between people (39.7%), increasing among the participants is the political interest, in particularly for the local (26%) and the sense of social efficacy (23.9%).
After you place the research data as the basis of the analysis, the book unfolds, with a chorus of contributions from 50 authors well many aspects of this world remaining, last but not least, a source you always lifetime tv have on hand. To the next.
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